In a creative endeavour to educate and engage audiences, Red Dot Films has produced three animated short films for the KAHRAMAA Water Quality Laboratory. These shorts utilise the lab’s characters to target three different age groups while delivering essential information about the role of Qatar General Electricity & Water Corporation (KAHRAMAA) in ensuring water quality.
Tag: Kahramaa
Ramadan’s Tarsheed Series: Raising Awareness for Sustainable Development in Qatar
Red Dot Films has recently completed an exciting project for Tarsheed, a department in Kahramaa focused on raising awareness about water and energy conservation, as well as sustainable development. Tarsheed animated Series consists of 12 episodes, each addressing a topic related to water or energy conservation or sustainable development, aims to raise public awareness and […]
Tarsheed / Kahramaa
PCC Advertising and Exhibition Organizing Agency and Red Dot Films collaborated to produce two awareness ads to be broadcast during Ramadan 1435.